Employment Services

At Preferred Employment & Living Supports, we seek to empower people with disabilities to find meaningful employment in a society that often resists hiring those with developmental and even physical disabilities.

We are committed to working one on one and in a group setting to develop and fine-tune individual and team skills for the workplace. Let us help you ignite your drive to be an asset to employers using your natural abilities!

Our specialty is matching the right workers with the right skills to the right employers. We offer our clients a combination of supports to reach those goals. They include barrier-resolution classes that focus on, but are not limited to: 

Job Readiness Skills

  • Resume and job application assistance
  • Developing and pursuing job leads
  • Polishing interviewing skills

On-The-Job Personal Skills

  • Problem-solving
  • Communication
  • Stress Management (General Emotional Control)

Our programs also provide a considerable number of benefits to employers in Muskegon, Ottawa and other West Michigan counties. In addition to helping businesses and organizations fill crucial job openings with reliable, motivated workers, employers can also benefit from a number of incentives when they hire PELS clients, including: 

  • Job coaches that provide on-the-job training funded by the State of Michigan
  • 90-day follow-along support
  • Financial benefits thanks to the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), which allows a percentage of employee compensation to be reclaimed as a rebate on corporate income tax returns.

Our Partners:

michigan rehabilitation services logo: promoting abilities
michigan apse logo
bureau of services for blind persons logo

For more information about how our Employment Services can help you or a loved one, contact us or call 231-747-8650.