Preferred Employment & Living Supports collaborates with many of Western Michigan’s leading health care, mental health, and human services agencies. Whether we are working under contract or on a referral basis, our partners rely on our expertise and client-focused services that help individuals with disabilities and mental illness overcome barriers to employment, community involvement, and independent living.
PELS also works with numerous community organizations, nonprofit groups, private companies, churches, and higher education institutions to provide training, workshops, skill-building, and employment for clients.
We are grateful to all of our partners and encourage you to support them. Some of our current collaborators include:
- MRS of Muskegon and Ottawa Counties
- West Michigan CMH
- HealthWest
- CMH of Ottawa County
- Bureau of Services for Blind Persons
- Citizens Insurance
- Frankenmuth Insurance
- AAA Insurance
- Sunshine Properties
- Hope College
- Nelson Neighborhood Improvement Association
- Samuel Lutheran Church
- Muskegon Public Schools
- Welsey School
- Love Inc. Muskegon
- Skolnick Center
- Kids Food Basket
- Fruitful Ministries
- Autism Network
- Mission for Area People (MAP)
- Walter’s Gardens
- Pioneer Resources
- Mercy Behavioral Health
- Mercy Visiting Nurses